Friday, February 27, 2009

the picture i like and why... (in you know picturing america)

 here is the picture i mostly like because its a HUGE ladder and i just think its so interesting. anyways you have to use a lot of imagination for this picture because if you don't have any imagination it wont come to life for you yes, just you nobody is  watching  you nothing, just you.  but like i said you have to use a lot of imagination 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the virtual tour (stop 12 and if you wanna be a miner queistion)

the mill: the mill was powered by the  water tower and i would not want to be a miner because i would be to small and to have to be strong to be a miner and thats why. Powering the Lebanon Mill

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

questions (for picturing america)

why did the national endowment humanities to teach about American  history like this? 

here is a link of all of the questions! but i will tell you some 

oh here is one okay, what is picturing America(you might ask that you don't know!) (and here is what they answered. A: picturing America is a program and it helps teach with pictures!!!! 

oh! here is another one, you might ask how many schools and library's use picturing america? (and they said) about 56,000 schools and library's  use picturing america. 

go to website for more information (the purple thing that said programs FAQ'S )

the virtual tour (stop 8)

stop 8: it looks like there is a lot of old stuff i cant response so the stop does look old.  

1999 Photo of the Lebanon Mine and Mill Complex Blacksmith Shopbut there is a lot of cool stuff too , and they were all used in a special way.

Monday, February 23, 2009

picturing america (silver)

the silver can be different but there all similar in a way like there all pots  or cup looking things.  but the things that are different that one is connected in a holder and one is left alone. then the last one almost looks golden and it looks like a tea party is about to begin 

picturing america (something a little diffrent)

it is something a little different and they look like Indians of course. the hair sort of has a pattern looking thing. the bottom one looks like Indian men and the top one looks like Indian women. there is LOTS OF FEATHERS! (on the top and bottom!)the top one it looks like someone died or something because there all hugging each other, and that is what i think of everything.

Friday, February 20, 2009

picturing america (the statue)

the statue is Ben Franklin and i like this picture because he just looks powerful i really like this picture because you can tell he is a wise man. and i like that he is always thinking...i just like that.

picturing america (the mother when the depression )

what i think about this picture is that i just really think that the mom is having troubled times  and they are depressed... here is the picture. the children look like there crying is so sad to see i cant belive that we had a depression and its so sad... =^( i feel like crying...but at leaset  we dont have it now but we do have prices going up and yah....

picturing america (the quilts)

   what i think about the pictures are amazing!!! but i really like the quilt one the best and what one i really like the quilt that has circles on it just feels like i was little and i just really like that one. here is a picture of all of the quilts. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

chapter 20 "the spring the winter and the beginning of my storys end"

  1. what happened at the end of February? all of the animals and insects appeared.and the sap on tree's dripped.
  2. where did Sam go to scout for edible plants?skunk cabbages.
  3. who was watching Sam when he whistled for frightful?(and) where did he work? matt. pouhkeepie new yorker. (weird0....)
  4. did this fellow believe in "Sam's tale about the wild boy? (and) how do you know that? yes he did BELIEVE!! because he said "are you THAT WILD BOY?"
  5. what deal did that fellow make with Sam? he wanted to borrow Sam's coat end he said he would mail it but he (matt) said it was ok and he could just run there.
  6. when was the fellow supposed to return to take his spring vacation with Sam? (and) what is he supposed to bring with him? right after spring,Sam
  7. what was discussed in Sam's silent forum? i don't really know...

Friday, February 06, 2009

chapter 19 "i have good luck at winter and find spring in the snow"

  1. what did Sam say was unforgettable experience? to just be relaxed and warm over the winter.
  2. why did Sam make himself some snowshoes? because he was plowing threw the snow and he did have all of the materials.
  3. what taught Sam to stay home when the air said snow? he knew the moods of the clouds in the sky.
  4. what did Sam call the nuthatch? Why? all of the animals including Sam went there and why? because it was a little "patch" were everyone went to.
  5. what animal was slipping in Sam's tree at night? a mouse a white footed mouse 
  6. the presence of what animal makes the Gribley farm a beautiful place? a horned owl
  7. at one time, Sam had to open his door off and on though the night. WHY?because it froze and when something hit it, it sounded like tin. 
  8. what caused  the trees to keep exploding all over the mountains? because there was ice on the trees and HUGE limbs came of.
  9. what cured Sam of his tiredness,nosebleeds,and aching bones? (and)what was Sam lacking? the liver of the rabbit, and the lacking was vitamin C foods.
  10. why did Sam sit in the sun when it was out? because he wanted some vitamin D.

Chapter 18 "I learn about birds and people."

  1. what kept Sam warm when he walked in the snow? he's deer skin outfit.
  2. who were as a person Mrs.O'Brien,Mr.Bracket,Mrs.Callaway,and Mrs.Federio?he wanted them to come.
  3. why did Sam call them these names? because thats there names... i dont know! =^( 
  4. what day did bando arrive for Christmas? (and)what was Sam planing to give him for Christmas? he arrived at christmas day pretty late. he wanted just to have a good Christmas but he did give him a willow sticks whistles 
  5. what did bando tell Sam about? the news paper clippings and they said that there was A WILD BOY IN THE WOODS ALONE.
  6. what music did Sam and bando play on there willow sticks?(and)
  7. who was too tired to play any more? "holy night" and they tried "the 12 days of christmas" but bando was to tired.
  8. who else visited Sam?(and)how did he know where to find out? Sam's dad. he read about him in the papers
  9. what did they have to drink with their Christmas dinner?(and) what was cooked to perfection? sassafras tea and onion soup.BUT the steak was cooked to perfection. 
  10. what did Sam catch and cook for breakfast?he caught about 6 trouts!BUT he cooked the trouts and then made accorn pancakes  
  11. which guest stayed the longest? Sam's dad.
  12. why did Mr.Gribley leave by a different route? because someone might find Sam and that would not be good at all!!

chapter 17 "i pile up wood and go on with winter"

  1. why did Sam keep cutting wood and stacking it in plies? he wanted woodpiles to lead out to the forest.
  2. what does the author mean when she said, "now i am back where i began. i wont tell it again? because in the beginning of the story he was there in the winter.
  3. what is Sam's standby for breakfast on these cold mornings?they had jam made by a professor Bando's.
  4. what two plants did Sam find under the snow?tea berry leaves and winter greens.
  5. what did Sam write on during the snowstorm since he did not have paper? he wrote on his old notes.

chapter 16 "troble begins"

  1. what had chaged Frightful during the autumn? her plumage as Sam said.

  2. what did Sam use to cut his hair? with his penknife

  3. where was Sam when someone called him Daniel Boone? it was at the drug store in the town

  4. how did the boy know Sam was from new york?because his accent

  5. What did Sam tell the boy he was doing on the Gribly farm?to teach him what he is going to do

  6. what did Sam call the boy he meet in town? Why? Mr. jacket he never knew his name.

  7. what did Sam forget to do to get ready for winter?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

chapter 15 "i found out what to do with hunters"

  1. what season began in early November? hunting season.

  2. why did Sam decide to go to the library? because he wanted to go see miss.turner.

  3. why did Sam decide NOT go to the library? because he pretty much almost got a gun shot on his elbow.

  4. why did the man give up on his deer hunt? because he could not find it.
  5. why Sam did not have to smoke the last two deer. why? because he has lots of working to do.
  6. why did Sam have trouble tanning their hides? because the water in the oak stump was frozen!

chapter 14 "we all learn about halloween"

  1. who is Sam in competition with when gathering walnuts and hickory nuts? the squirrels were all over the trees.
  2. how did Sam prepare the apples to save them for winter? he wanted to get as many as he could he even cut some in slices just to get some.
  3. what food did Sam serve at the Halloween party? cracked nuts,smoked rabbits and crayfish. he even added 2 of his apples.
  4. what did Sam discover in an ox bow at the stream?some rice and the bow.
  5. what happened to Sam's house that evening? everything seemed peaceful.
  6. What four things did Sam do to get rid of his guests? Sam fell asleep then when he woke up he screamed but it was not him it was raccoons!
  7. what was the last animal to leave?the red fox.

Monday, February 02, 2009

chapter 13 "the autumn provides food and loneliness

  1. what did Sam do during September?got the raft a float and got some wild onions and cattails
  2. why did baron the weasel look moody? he was changing his summer fur to his winter fur.
  3. what where all of the animals preparing for? the animals were trying to store food.
  4. why did Sam drag clay up the mountain? he was trying to make a scarecrow for Halloween.
  5. what was wrong with Frightful when she got sick? she went to migration and shes gone.but she came back!!
  6. what did Sam do to correct the problem with his heating system? noting much.

chapter 12 "I find a real live man"

what did Sam use for soap when he took his bath? the bark part of the slippery elm.

who would dig mussels for Sam? Jessie C. James.

who became a expert hunter and what did SHE catch? Frightful only little animals like rabbits or sparrows, etc. 

what to drinks did Sam make? sassafras tea and penny royal 

where was the man when Sam found him? right in front of the mountain!

what did Sam make Bando for dinner? brown puffballs in deer fat with seasoning, boiled it put deer meat in,put in fruits to finish the meal.

what did Bando call Sam? Thoreau.

how long did Bando stay with Sam? they had a sleep over! 

what did bando make out of clay? clay jars

when did Bando say he would come back? next summer

what instruments did Sam and Bando make? willow instruments