Friday, January 30, 2009

chapter 11 "Frghtful learns her ABC's"

what is needed to tan a hide?how did Sam get it? he needs water and oak to make some kind of acid.he made it him self.

what did Sam do with the hide?his door.

how did Sam make frog soup? clean it but put in a lot of wild stuff and water.

what did Sam need another deer for? he wanted a deer skin suit.

why did Sam and frightful go to gather seeds,bark and tubers? they needed them a LOT!

here did Sam store his food for winter?in his tree but he needed another tree.

who got rid of the hikers? baron the weasel.

what did Sam make out of the deer hide he caught in his trap?he made pants.

why did Sam take the sparrow away from Frightful? because he didn't like it happened unexpectedly 

chapter 10 "how a door came to me

how did Sam preserve his food for later use?a rack of sticks

who screamed and made Sam to jump on a tree? baron the weasel. 

how did Sam get a deer? the deer was just lying there dead!

who had killed the deer? a man

what kind of steak did Sam eat for many days?venioson (or deer)

what kind of animals made the noises- "pop,pip,pop."?the tiny little eatrh worms.

chapter 9 "i learn to season food"

what did Sam feed Frightful that morning? rabbit bits.

what did Sam catch in his trap? rabbits,squirrels,and a ground hog.

what was Sam impressed  about the animal he caught? because it was a lot of food.

what did Sam call this animal? baron the weasel.

why did Sam wanna deer? he needed a door for his house,and the teters for Frightful and a blanket for him.

what did Sam make to season his food? salt.

what did he do with the seasoning he made?put it on for his breakfast.

what did Sam make out of oaken board? his bed.

chapter 8 "what i did about the first man who was after me"

what did the man wearing and who was waiting for Sam? he was wearing a forester's uniform,and these pepole waiting at a camp.

where did Sam go? go back to the tree and when he went he looked at a trap.

what did Sam catch in his trap? he caught a rabbit.

what did Sam put in his rabbit soup for seasoning?he found wild garlic and jack-in-the-pulpits.

did Sam return to home that night?no he sleeped on the ground with his bird.

what made Sam forget about the man?he was to tired and so he fell asleep.

dr.martin luther king for a day

my quote is ...
"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him." i just really like it because "nonviolence means avoiding not only external phsical violence but also internal violence of spirit.i just really like that part. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

chapter 7 "the King's provider"

who cut Sam's hair? miss.turner the Liberian.

what do may apples taste like to Sam?they tasted like sweet bananas. 

What was Sam watching for when he cooked the trout?the sky. cause he wanted to see the falcon again. 

where did Sam sleep that night?at the creek.

while he watched the cliff,what did Sam cook for breakfast? boiled mussels.

what did Sam do to get his falcon?he picked one up and it was a girl

what did he name his falcon?frightful.

why was Sam's shoulder bleeding?because the hawk did that.(they were in a mistaken fight!)

Chapter 6 "i meet one of my own kind and have a terrible time getting away"

on what day was the house finished? June.

what kind of wood did Sam use for his bed?ash trees.

according to Sam,what do cattails taste like after there cooked?be sure to cook them well or else the fibers is tough and there hard.

what did Sam use to catch animals such as rabbits and turtles? he set traps.

what person did Sam meet that day?he saw a little old lady.

what was that person doing? who helped her?she was going to get strawberries. Sam.

what animal will Sam train to hunt for him? a dog

chapter 5 "the old old tree"

in the summer, what people would visit the Catskill Mountains? the place was covered of people.

what kind of work did Sam have to do to get his home ready? he had to fix the tree up or else ether people would see him or he has to do it every summer

what else did Sam have to do other than get his home ready?he had to search for food and clean his clothes.
how did  Sam carry his clothes? in a pack it was a lot easier for him.

what did Sam eat that tasted like Lima beans? there are green and they were okay raw that is if you were starving! 

What part of the dandelions did Sam eat? the petals.

what kind of tree did Sam find crow's eggs to go with his lunch? a pine tree.

how did Sam boil the eggs?first he made a fire,then he got a leaf and he cooked it!

what kind of food did Sam find in the spring water?he found flowers,  ferns, moss, and weeds!AND A CRAYFISH!!!!

chapter 5 "the old old tree"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

chapter 4 "i find many useful plants."

why did Sam say,"this must be the warbler migration?"birds were dripping of the trees ad that is why he said that.

what did Sam find to eat since the fish were not biting? he ate plants instead.

what kind of trees did Sam find at the Gribleys farm? giant white birch trees,maple,and oak.

what starchy foods did sam find in the marsh? he found salt.

what kind of giant trees did sam find? all sorts of kinds like giant white birch trees

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

chapter 3 ("i find Gribley's farm")

to you know,conquer the catkills,what did sam think he needed to know?to go get a the library.

what was sam looking for?a map at the library.

Who helped sam?why?a librarain tall, brown hair (long),brown eyes,and why beacause he's trying to get a map of the Gribleys farm.

what did sam had for dinner? a catfish.

What did Sam do after he had eaten?he set a card to bill the old man.

were did sam sleep that night?in his tree sound asleep.

chapter 2 ("i get started on this venture")

Where was Sam going when he left his home? he was going to go were his great grandpa lived.
Where is Sam's home? new york.
What did he take with him? penknife,a ball of cord,an ax,and 40$.
what did Sam's father say when Sam told him he was running away?he laughed and said i once wanted to leave but i went straight back home.
what did Sam catch for dinner?he caught a trout !but the trout wasn't good so he tried and tried he caught 5 little trouts!
did Sam cook his dinner? why?no he did not.why? because the fire was to hard and he could not do it.
where did Sam eat?he ate in the morning at a house and he ate his fish.
who taught Sam how to build a fire? his name was bill and they practiced a lot!

chapter one (i hole up in a snowstorm)

where is Sam Gribley living and what kind of home does he have?
he lives in a tree and his home is really cool its just like a house that we have today but the only difference is that its a tree!

What time of the year is it, and how is the weather? what time....what time oh yes here it is...its around winter time freezing cold or should i say its December 4,and the weather is... its snowing! 

Why is Sam Griribly or the narrator living here? because he didn't like the busy city's so he went to the wild.

Who are Sam's two best Friends?his falcon, and his other Friend was a THE BARON WEASEL.

How long has Sam been living there? since May of the year of when ever he went there.

in the first part of the snowstorm is written when the storm was taking place in December. When was the last part of the snowstorm written? when he was looking at the snow amazed!

why did Sam get so scared before the snowstorm? 
because he didn't want snow so that is why he was scared. 

why was the land called Gribley's folly?
because his great-grand father lived there and he found the island thingy and that is why its called that.

Monday, January 26, 2009

here is homework agian!!!but its fun...first page

Who is the author? her name is Jean Craighead George.

Who taught the author how a person might live in a wilderness? her father.

What characteristic was inherited in this family?they wanted to run away but the second they got out they came right back in.

Where was the author born and raised? in Washington D.C.

How did the author find out how to train a falcon?her father showed her the plants and ANIMALS in the Forest in the east side

Why did the publisher refuse to print this book in the beginning,and why did he change his mind?he said. "that the parents should not encourage their kids to leave home."he changed his mind because someone said that kids would be better off going to the woods than the city.

is this story true? no but its pretty true in all because the author did wanted to run away

what is the name of the narrator and whats the main characters name? the main characters is named Sam...the narrator i think is the author?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

here is my home work for my teacher (my side of the mountain)

he took a penknife which was very smart. Sam also took an axe and a ball of cord a ball of cord is like a energy line pretty much. he also got flint and steel to make fire of course! he also bring forty dollars which i don't think was really the best thing ever to bring.
here is the things i might bring if i went to the wild
1.a one person tent and sleeping bag
2.i would bring also a fire maker thingy
3.a jacket to wear if its cold
4.i would bring something to play with, i would be bored
5.i would bring some food to cook over the fire
6.bring a backpack to put things in
7.something to kill a animal with because there might be wild animals
8.a watch to tell time
9.some boots if it rains or it gets muddy
10.extra things to wear